Menstrual cramps and pain, mood swings and inflammation, stress and difficulty sleeping; just reading this list can be disheartening and intimidating, and yet, this list also illuminates one of those wonderful moments of absolute biological synergy — where evolution has provided both a lock and a perfectly fitted key. CBD and the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) […]
GUMMIES: Soothing, Safe and Sweet CBD gummies contain cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical present in the cannabis plant. CBD has properties that may help manage anxiety, pain, and other conditions. Gummies are sweet, soothing, and conveniently, way more fun to take than just about any other method of satisfying your needs.. CBD gummies provide an easy, […]
CBD vs THC: Explaining the Difference Cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) both come from cannabis plants, but they have very different effects on your brain and body. Though there are more than 120 cannabinoids in the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plants, the main players are THC and CBD. But certainly, far from the only beneficial cannabinoids, we are […]
Stories of CBD Success Most of what you read online are research reports, generalized results, and outcomes based on averages — but you are not an average, your needs are not an average, and the unique combination of body and mind that is you is most definitely not an average. With that in mind let […]
Why is there so much debate, so much discussion, and so much confusion surrounding CBD? Try typing ‘CBD’ into google and it returns over 1 billion, 100 million hits! CBD is on everyone’s lips – both figuratively and literally. All the buzz, the hype, the fearmongering and the mile high praise, why are the reactions […]
The Oldest Love Story — CBD and We
With the seeming explosion of CBD products, and with the media’s barrage of stories, articles and reports it can appear as though the confusing landscape of letters has sprung fully formed from today’s digital landscape. However, this is far from the case in every regard, mankind’s benefiting from the use of the cannabis plant goes […]
CBD Oil, the panacea, the wunderkind, the latest craze, the gift of the gods; CBD Oil and a mountain of monikers are everywhere you look nowadays. But what really is CBD Oil, where does it come from and how is it made? Let’s take a look at the process from root to fruit so that you […]