setting a higher standard

Premium CBD Products

Since 2015, Strainz has offered a wide range of high-end, quality products, an easy and convenient shopping process, express delivery and first-class service.

About us

Working hard for you since 2015

Strainz grundades i 2015 av Hugh och Chris Hempel i Denver, Colorado. Från början hade butiken ett utmärkt urval av CBD-produkter inklusive CBD-olja och och marijuanafrön.

Efter rekordhöga 5 år har butiken förvandlats till ett nätverk som inkluderar egen marijuanaproduktion. Under de närmaste åren växte och utvecklades butiken tills den kom in på den globala marknaden.

För att hålla fast vid klassiska traditioner, förbättrar vi ständigt våra produkter och arbetar med att skapa nya kombinationer med unika egenskaper och ovanliga smakupplevelser.

Types of products

Experience the best selection available now

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process, express delivery and first-class service.

Cannabis Oil

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.

Tablet tints

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.


We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.


We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.


We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.

CBD Sweets

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.


We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.


We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.

Gift ideas

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process and first-class service.
Our products

Strainz Butik

Vi erbjuder ett brett utbud av kvalitetsprodukter, en enkel shoppingprocess, expressleverans och förstklassig service.

We are constantly improving our products and working on creating new combinations with unique characteristics and taste sensations.
Don Rogers
CEO, owner
Our Production

Environmentally friendly production

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process, express delivery and first-class service.

Staying true to classic traditions, we are constantly improving our products and working on creating new combinations with unique characteristics and unusual taste sensations.

About the product

Great variety of choice

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process, express delivery and first-class service.

Staying true to classic traditions, we are constantly improving our products and working on creating new combinations with unique characteristics and unusual taste sensations.

Recent posts

Our news and useful information

We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process, express delivery and first-class service.
Sweden – One of the Happiest Places to feel Depressed … Can CBD Help?

Sweden was ranked sixth in last year’s ‘World’s Happiest Country Index’, and it has been in the top ten of nations worldwide for the last ten years. Citizen representatives are asked to vote on a scale, answering questions about their contentment with their lives across different areas — Sweden is a happy place!! How then […]

A Smörgåsbord of Choices – A Guide to Consumption Methods

A Guide to the 4 Primary Consumption Methods of CBD The mounting evidence and the near constant buzz generated from the testimonials of the multitude of Swedish CBD users has pushed the hemp cannabinoid into the forefront of many therapeutic and self-care routines. With the vast and ever-growing array of CBD products available on the […]


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis nec venenatis nulla. Vivamus sagittis massa vitae bibendum rhoncus. Duis cursus.
Michael Smit
Get in Touch
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We offer a wide range of quality products, an easy shopping process, express delivery and first-class service.