
Pets are People too

What can CBD do for pets? Cannabidiol (CBD), one of the active constituents of the cannabis plant, can exert profound healing and balancing effects on all mammals. By stimulating the endocannabinoid system (ECS), CBD can help the body rebalance to homeostasis.

Pet owners use CBD for a broad range of behavioral and medical issues, including cancer painanxieties, obsessions, arthritis, seizures, neurological and digestive disorders, past traumas, social withdrawal, irritable moods, and getting along with other dogs and cats better.

While recovering from illness or surgery, CBD can stimulate appetite and speed healing in your pet. At the end of life, CBD can minimize the pain and anxiety your pet may be experiencing.

Humans have been shown to not only have an ECS that plays a key role in balancing and regulating your moods, but also that CBD has a beneficial relationship with this system, providing for many relief-bringing effects. Humans share this interactive homeopathic relationship with all mammals — your pet dogs, cats, bunnies and hamsters included!   

The Endocannabinoid System – Balancing Life

The endocannabinoid system is a network of receptors located throughout the body, and it’s named after the plant that led to its discovery. Natural endocannabinoid substances are synthesized by the body to maintain a stable internal environment, which is known as homeostasis. If the body’s endocannabinoid production lags behind what it needs, CBD supplements can help. CBD supplements can also stimulate the body to build more receptors, which makes natural cannabinoids work more effectively.

CBD interacts with the body’s system of receptors. To date, two types of receptors have been identified: CB1 receptors, which are mainly present in the brain, nervous system, glands, and organs; and CB2 receptors, which exist predominantly in the regulatory cells of the immune system.

One of the main roles of the endocannabinoid system is to control inflammation by regulating the immune response. An overactive immune response can trigger allergies and auto-immune problems; an underactive response can make the body vulnerable to infections or make it a more favorable host for the growth of cancer cells.

How CBD can Help your Pet

Keeping your Pet Moving

As your pet starts to get older, you may notice changes to his mobility as a normal part of aging. Maybe he’s no longer able to enjoy his daily walks (or play time) the way he used to, or maybe he struggles to climb the stairs in your home.

Many pet parents turn to CBD for this very situation. CBD supports healthy joints and flexibility, provides connective tissue support, and can help relieve occasional joint stiffness by maintaining joint mobility and supporting bone health.

So, it’s no surprise that many of stories our customers send us revolve around pet ‘Seniors’ that get a new pep in their step after starting a CBD regime!

Keeping your Pet Pain-Free

Do you know how to tell if your pet is in pain? Pets are notorious for hiding their discomfort, a trait that kept them safe in their pre-domestic days. Not to mention the fact that for most pets (cockatoo’s excepted) it can be very difficult to communicate to their owners that something hurts. Usually, by the time a pet has managed to make their pain known, it’s progressed to a very uncomfortable point.

Naturally, no pet parent ever wants to see their pet in pain. Whether your pet is recovering from an injury or recent operation, or is experiencing occasional discomfort from normal aging or from normal daily exercise and activity, CBD can help.

CBD supports a normal inflammatory response in the body, which helps with occasional stiffness and soreness while also supporting healthy cellular activity and normal muscle recovery.

Keeping your Pets Stress-Free

Our world has been designed for us. Think how stressful most of our lives are, and that’s in a world we made for ourselves. You can begin to understand how stressful our human world is then for pets. Stress can affect pets just as much as it can people. There are various reasons why a pet may feel stressed or nervous, including loud noises (like thunderstorms and fireworks), changes in the household (such as bringing a new baby home or having family over for a special gathering), changes to their usual routine (such as traveling, hospitalization, or moving to a new home), and separation from their loved ones at times when they’re left home alone.

Other times, you may simply have a pet on your hands who is dealing with hyperactivity. Hyperactivity is often caused by excess energy and can lead to destructive behavior.

Fortunately, CBD can help. CBD has a calming effect on the nerves, which automatically promotes relaxation in animals and supports a normal emotional balance. It helps animals cope with external stresses (including environmentally-induced stress) and situations that may cause nervousness, helping them maintain a normal and relaxed disposition.

Keeping Your Pet Healthy

In the same way that we take vitamins and other supplements in order to support our immune system, dogs can benefit from immune-boosting foods and holistic options as well, especially in their senior years, when added support can make all the difference in improving their quality of life.

In addition to assisting and supporting the immune system, CBD also supports normal cardiovascular and neurological function, promotes long-term health, and helps maintain physical and mental wellbeing.

Your Pet is People Too

CBD is taking the holistic world by storm, and it’s easy to see why.

People all over the world are turning to this holistic option for a host of reasons, from fighting free radicals and supporting healthy immune function to promoting relaxation and helping with occasional discomfort.

Fortunately, these days, our beloved furry friends can take part in the exciting world of CBD too, thanks to Strainz CBD products that are of the highest quality; products that are crafted from love and are dedicated to supporting the health and happiness of a member of your, and our, family.


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March 2025

